Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Finds From Canton

I went to Canton this past Saturday and had a blast by myself! Found just about everything I was looking for especially the most important item on my list. It is pictured below.
I found this cool chair for my bedroom. The back is shorter than a normal chair so I thought it was unusual. Already had the seat covered in the writing material I wanted. All I had to do was bring it home and set it in the room. Perfect!!

This was my prize!!! I have been looking for a fireplace surround mantel for a long time. I want to make a headboard  out of it. All the ones I have seen were way to expensive. I mean hundreds of dollars! I hit the jack pot with this one!

It was made in the 1800's and is from a home in St. Louis. I will have some work to do on it. Sanding, painting, distressing and then sealing but that is OK by me.

I love it!!

1 comment:

donna joy said...

great finds! and cool that your surround is from st louis~my second home :)